Putting My Experience
to Work for You

I'm a Mama Bear, who puts her kids first. And I realize that the only way my kids and your kids are represented on the Cabarrus County School Board is to have someone who puts their education first.
As a parent, I found that listening is key. I listen to my girls- what are their worries, their hopes, and their dreams. I want the best for them and for our community.
As a school board member: I'll put our kids' education first, listen, and communicate. I will listen to you.
Vote for Pam Escobar and I will listen to your concerns about how students are learning, how teachers and staff need our support, and what the school district can do to communicate that in a clear way.
My daughters started in Cabarrus County schools in kindergarten and I want them to finish through high school. This is our home. I've lived in Mexico and various cities in the United States--I was a teacher, a journalist and now I'm a communications specialist.
Some of Cabarrus County Schools are the best in the country--Let's make sure our School Board is looking out for all kids in our district.
I'm most concerned about students bouncing back from learning slides, teacher retention, and school board accountability. School board members should know what they are voting for and be communicating it to the public regularly.
I want our schools to continue to attract families and make our communities thrive. I’m coming off the sidelines as a parent to make a positive change.