We have him outnumbered.

My husband, Alex, is outnumbered. I have two daughters, Lila (13), Emily (9) and a dog, Lucy (1).
“I'm a Mama Bear, who wants all kids to have a voice in Cabarrus County schools.”
We Love Cabarrus County Schools
Alex and I moved here for his job back in 2013. We researched schools and decided our oldest daughter, who was starting kindergarten, would go to Cox Mill Elementary. Her first day of school was my first day of work at a local tv news station. She is now wrapping up her final year of middle school at Harris Road Middle School. I've since changed careers, which allows me to work full-time and still be home when my girls need me. My youngest daughter is in Program Choice and is learning Mandarin. Due to a recent school board decision, Emily won't be going to Harris Road Middle School. Trust me, my neighbors and I did everything we could think of to convince the school board to reconsider their rezoning plans. And that's when I decided school board members need to represent all kids from all schools. It's a non-partisan, school-district wide, elected position. I want to hear from everyone throughout the school district.